News, page 5

News and Press Releases, page 5

Workwear for the Ministry of Emergency Situations by Northwestek

Northwestek has sewn a new batch of workwear: clothes for the employees of the Municipal Institution of Civil Defense and Emergencies of Veliky Novgorod

Northwestek: development plans

Our priorities for the next year are the production of bags and backpacks and launching a new brand of urban stylish high-quality outerwear.

Workwear Customizing

Our company actively uses various types of customization in order to create unique collections of workwear that meet special requirements

Northwestek — the new name of our brand

This year we have another rebranding. We changed the name Northwestfur to Northwestek. And this name fully reflects our goals and our values ​​today

Time to think about winter jackets

If the main purpose of the purchase is practicality, then jackets and parkas produced by the Northwestek brand may be the best choice.

Business and environmental protection

How to combine the successful production of goods, works, services and environmental protection? At first glance, these concepts seem incompatible

Corporate clothing advantages

The Northwestek company develops and manufactures corporate clothing in any direction. Sets may include jackets, vests, T-shirts, polo, baseball caps.

Men's insulated vest — the leader of the off-season

Northwestek offers a wide range of men's insulated vests with a straight silhouette. Classic style: stand-up collar, without hood, with a tractor zipper

Corporate clothing for national parks

Northwestek company manufactures suits, jackets and other equipment for employees of national parks, sanctuaries and nature reserves.

Northwestek is updating its range

In addition to Rivernord, Northwestek is currently working on the launch of a new brand that will produce high quality clothing with unique designs