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25 January 2023

New CRM for Production Management: Everything is Under Control

Northwestek has developed its own CRM for order and production management, tailored to our specific needs. This system allows us to control the production of orders.

Production and management technologies are constantly being improved. Northwestek's next step in this direction is the development of its own CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for managing orders and production. This system allows us to control the production of orders for both the online store and wholesale customers. Essentially, such a system automates functions like production, sales, marketing, and analytics.

In today's world, production companies cannot operate without various types of software. There are many "ready-made solutions" on the market, where manufacturers can choose what suits them best. However, we took a different approach because we realized that existing CRMs do not meet our current needs and are not well-adapted to our reality.

Therefore, we developed our own software to align with our specific tasks and goals. With our own CRM, we will be able to implement work and management processes more efficiently and effortlessly than before, which will positively impact customer service.